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The Committee

Louise, President and Craft Group Co-ordinator

Hi, I'm Louise, 


I joined North Swindon WI in October 2022 as a way of meeting people, trying something new and to be 'a part of something'.


I was made to feel so welcome on my first visit and left the meeting already looking forward to the next one!


The additional book and craft groups were a fantastic bonus! I volunteered to join the committee very soon after and enjoy being part of the team that brings our WI to the members.


Away from the WI, I pander to my cats far too much, love an afternoon tea, buy pretty notebooks which can never bring myself to use and apologise at least once a day for smelling of pool chlorine...


Being a keen swimmer- indoor pool and outdoor wild swimming- I enjoy participating in several swim events throughout the year.

Sue, Secretary

My name is Sue and I’m a Swindonian born and bred. I live in West Swindon with my husband and some tropical fish  - one day we will get a dog, but not till we’ve retired!


 I have three grown up children who have all left home and I’m thoroughly enjoying the smaller food bills and lack of laundry.


  I love to travel and visit new places and when I’m at home I’m usually in the garden or the greenhouse, growing lots of flowers, fruit and vegetables.


Carolyn, Treasurer


Sarah, Assistant Secretary and MCS Co-ordinator

My name is Carolyn and I've been a member of North Swindon WI for just over 2 years. As I joined just before the the first lockdown, I feel like a relatively new member!

I was born and brought up on the Isle of Wight. I moved to London when I was 18 and spent most of my working life in the buying and merchandising teams of various retail head offices. I now live in West London with my husband. Our 3 children have all left home, although our youngest son, who has autism, is a frequent visitor and we are very much involved in his care alongside his supported living staff.

I love holidays, eating out, concerts, theatre, walking, reading, watching most sports and I am learning to play golf.

I'm Sarah and I've lived in Swindon for 37 years. I am originally from Cornwall and very proud of my Cornish roots. I joined the WI in 2017 as a way of meeting like minded friends in our local community and to be part of a national organization focusing on women's issues. I've made new friends through our WI and picked up some new skills and and interests. I am also a member of the book group.

I've had a varied working life, working in financial services, in conference management for the University of Bath and more recently as a PA and technical Pre-construction officer in theconstruction industry. I am currently studying for a proof reading and editing qualification to enable me to work as a freelancer.

I am married and mum to two fabulous daughters who have both been to university and returned to Swindon to pursue their careers.

Likes: keeping fit, long walks, pilates. reading, gardening, travelling and socializing with friends, especially on a summer's evening with a G&T.
Dislikes: spiders, rollercoasters and very spicy food!

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